The sacred texts say that after forty days the truth came to Siddhartha in stages. During the first night watch he achieved insight into all his past lives. During the second night watch he discovered the coherence of cyclical existences, the law of cause-and-effect, the movement of karma. During the third and last night watch he conquered the four mental poisons: sensual desire, attachment, wrong views and ignorance. That evening under a full moon of the month of May at the age of thirty five, he attained enlightenment, awakening, supreme knowledge, nirvana.
You have wrong perception on your self and on the other. And the other has wrong perception on themselves and on you, and that is the cause of fear, of violence, of hatred. That is why trying to remove wrong perceptions is the only way to peace, and that is why Nirvana is, first of all, the removal or wrong perceptions. And when you remove wrong perceptions, you remove the suffering. To meditate deeply, you find out that even ideas like being and non-being, or birth and death, or coming and going, are wrong perceptions.