Everything is spiritual. Everything has a spirit. Everything, Everything was brought here by the creator. The one creator. Some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, some Allah, some people call him other names. We call him Konkachila. The spirit world is more real then most of us believe. The spirit world is everything.
Our DNA is made of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale, when the tree exhales, we need what the tree exhales. So, we have a common destiny with the tree.
We are all from the Earth… and when the Earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction.
…there will be great changes. It’s not negative, it’s evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it’s time, nothing stays the same.
You should learn how to plant something, that’s the first connection. You should treat all things as spirit.
Realize that We are one family.
It’s never something like the end, it’s like life, there’s no end to life.