-Lets all be seated. I am hoping somebody here can explain this to me.
-Mr. Secretary, four of the five objects landed in the pacific ocean. The fifth one appeared to have broken apart making significant contact with Hong Kong, but other places were also affected. Scotland, Germany, France, even lowa.
-So, what is it?
-Well sir, at this point we are working on a couple of theories.
-And you are who, Sir?
-I am with NASA.
-What is NASA present in this room for?
-We are looking at the very real possibility that this is legitimate extraterrestrial contact. It appears that it originated from the Gliese solar System. Home of Planet G.
-You are saying that we sent out a signal and we got an alien response?
It isn’t anything from this planet.
As casualty reports come in it is still unclear exactly what it was that hit Hong Kong.
-…En llamas, hasta ahora no se sabe que es.
-No es nada de este planeta.
Mi padre dijo que vendrían. Siempre estaba diciéndolo.
Decía: No estamos solos.
Decía que algún día los encontraríamos, o ellos a nosotros.
Extraterrestrial contact.