
Tranquility Base Project – All Theory

And myself…
How does it work, why does it work this way. What can you do, what can’t you do, why?

What is your reality? What composes your reality?
And if you think about that question, its you get sense data, and what is that sense data? It’s just information. Say a photon comes and mets your, and then goes into your eye, it get focused by the lens on your retina, that retina then sends off an electrical signal that goes down to your nervous system to the vision part of your brain and starts to rearrang neurons and synapses… So what is that… And all the rest of your environment that you hear, and see, and taste, and smell and feel. It’s just information, your reality is nothing more than information, and it’s information collected through five senses. And you get that information, you get that pattern of neurons, you get those electrons signals, and you interpret those to be this physical world.