
Frechenhäuser – Holistic Solution

-But it’s kind of incredible, isn’t it?
I mean, how close we are now?
It really feels like we’re onto something.
-We’ll see.
-Did I make some mistakes? Yes. Did I only make mistakes? Yes. But did it all work out? Kind of. I had a plan, and I put it into action and it went off flawlessly.

Maybe it went off flawful-ish. But not a total disaster. In fact, an unmitigated not total disaster of the sort I’m thrilled to be involved in.

Cases solved with arguable efficiency.

Dirk Gently’s holistic detective agency!
Dirk Gently, here to help. You hear that, everyone! Dirk Gently! Me! Dirk Gently! That’s what the sign will say!
-Shh! Shh…
-I am Dirk Gently!