Let me start and show you how we get some of these sounds. First of all, none of them exist as a particular sound as they would on an electronic organ. There’s no magic button marked trumpet or violin or drums. You have to build every sound and to start to build the sound you have to start with something pretty simple. Here are the simple things we start with there are five of them. The simplest one of all is something that any lab technician must have seen at one time or another. It’s called the sign way. It’s very smooth, very flute like. A little bit more complicated wave is called sawtooth and it’s called sawtooth because on a sill scope screen. it looks just like a sawtooth, and this one is a little richer, a little reader, and it resembles a lot of sounds found on home electronic organs. Something in between those last two and a very useful sound indeed is something called triangular, and it’s kind of a pointed sign wave. So you can see it’s a little brighter than a sign wave. This one’s called Pulse Wave and I’m just gonna show you how it swings into a thing called Square wave. It’s up down up down just like a switch. If you flip a switch, you’re making a pulse wave. If it’s an even off on off on.
Heisenberg – Fading In The Dark