The Omni verse, the infinity of Creation and the Cosmic is in a mass flux now as it is busy reinventing itself and therefore the Milky Way Galaxy is moving back to its original place in the cosmos under the Great 7th Central Sun, and with it too Andromeda.
This is affecting the earth, as part of the solar system within the greater Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, which is cosmically known as Melchior.
This massive shift is therefore activated certain star portals in the earth.
Which the Sun of Illumination and therefore hold the Fires of Illumination, and the whole higher Omnipotent Keys and Codes of Illumination, and the higher cosmic consciousness states and super conscious energy fields.
The Super Conscious Energy fields are programmed to carry the keys and codes of all life and life forms, and therefore all which holds life and is conscious.
Which have lain dormant for billions of years, since the first civilization started on earth. At that time, everything was 7th dimensional and attuned to the 7th Central Sun.