Hyper Noise – Squared

We have to start consume our culture. We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe.
Terra Mission – String Theory

If there are other dimensions, if there are other universes, can we go between universes? Well, that of course is very hard, however, maybe one day we might create a worm hole between universes. String theory takes you before the Big Bang, before Genesis itself.
Widox – Lost Time

What is time? A deceptively simple question, yet it is the key to understanding relativity. Is time universal? In other words, is there an audible tick-tock throughout the galaxy? A master clock, so to speak, forging ahead like Mozart’s metronome? The answer, my friends, is no. But understanding time is essential to understanding relativity. Ten meters per second, 100 miles per hour. But a mathematical description of velocity is moot unless we can define time. Now, close your eyes.
Drip Drop – The Third Theory

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear. There is another theory. There is yet a third theory which suggests that both of the first two theories were concocted in order to increase the level of universal uncertainty and paranoia. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. This last theory is, of course, the most convincing.
Agneton – Back to Hyperion

Do you remember what we said on New Caprica? How we talked about trying to live for today? Well, you better think about that, because maybe today is all we have left.
Sphera – Forever

Forever is a metaphor for now. Imagining the moment shorn of motion. Finding its analogy in how the sense of self is separate from the notion. Forever outside time. And nothingness to say is something you’re not seeing. Living with us more than we can bear. Longing is the music of our sphere. You can forever be. Right now is just as good as that. The whole of point of being is there is no point to being. Is just simply is. Either days or years are merely moments. Reverence remains the source of bliss. More memories do not increase remembrance. If death must early come, then let it be.
Yestermorrow – Just Amazing

We start making out… Oh my God! These are three separate types… They’re all together… forming a triangle. And it was very, very large… you know this object… very, very dark ship… hard to describe it, it was just amazing.
Outsiders & Sphera – Matter of Fact

The beauty of the moment when you just accept… …Matter of fact. The love in the water, the wind, the sun, the sky, the moon, the stars, the mountains…
Penta – Lost in Space

Life beyond this planet… Some kind of form of life you get from outer space… -An unknown form of energy of great power and intelligence,evidently unaware that its transmissions are disruptive.I find it illogical that its intentions to be hostile.– What do you mean? You think this is its way of saying,‘Hi, there!’ to the people of the Earth?– There are other forms of intelligence, Doctor…Only human arrogance would assume the message must be meant for man.– You’re suggesting the transmission is meant for a life form other than man?– It is a possibility. The President did say it was directed at Earth’s oceans.
Cloud6 – Sexapil