
Breathead & El Peggae – Zorak

-Well then, greetings I’m Space Ghost.
-Space Man.
-Space Ghost.
-You were a space man who died and became a space ghost.
-I’ve always been dead, Conan.
-No one can always be dead, Space Ghost.
-I was dead long before you were born, Conan, and I’ll be dead long before you’re dead.

-Look who’s here, young people! It’s none other than Duke Fartknocker!
-Luke Skywalker!
-Luke Skytopper of the popular Space War.

-I mean, hey, Zorak, who ya gonna call?
-I’m gonna call you an idiot.

-You must be part of science that we don’t understand yet, that’s what I figure.
-You hear that, Zorak? Keep talking, Bill.
-You’re from stuff that’s too complicated for us at our level, right now, to get.

Come on! I need your super powers.

And you should get all the guys you in the thing.