Lots of people drink coffee before they go to work. Others, believe it or not, drop acid.
-Now, why some psychiatrists and researchers are giving psychedelic drugs a second look as a possible way of treating depression and some mental illnesses.
-They’re being used to treat depression, anxiety, and addiction.
-They’re relatively non-toxic, less toxic than alcohol. They’re non-addictive.
-The DEA says it’s granted permission to more than 50 researchers to study the therapeutic effects of LSD.
-Whoa, why is everything like an electric rainbow?
-Yeah! I can see the whole universe.
-It sounds like you guys are tripping.
-Are you sure you’re not tripping?
-I’m sure they are tripping because they’ve been dosed!
I put ten tabs of LSD in their sodas.
-I never wanted this!
-I’ll never be the same!
This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.
When we took the notorious wonder drug LSD, we were having dinner with our dentist. And he put it in our coffee, and never told us.