(The nexus scams) of discourage all that dark energy twisting and turning on itself explained it.
it not just constructs like the scourge in the rain involve just all of it so alien a constant reminder of the divine intelligence behind all creation.
Convince me even more. Especially when I got into molecular biology, physicsÂ… The patterns I kept seeing, over and over again: they were like an artist’s watermark. God, to me, is an artist. An inventor. Not someone to checking to see if I brushed my teeth.
How could I not want to study their creation? My faith doesn’t hinder my work as a scientist. It encourages it. My senses tell me what the world is. Science shows me how it came to be. And religion tells me why.
My parents were both scientists. My home was ruled by rationality. So when I became a teenager… Let’s just say that while other kids found batarian music, I found God.
It’s splendid.
-I think you work closely with the Nexus Science team.
-I tried to keep in contact with them. We discuss anything and everything we discovered out here. After all many brains are better than one. I work best when I have other people to bounce ideas off of.