This is your brain.
This is your brain on drugs.
A lot of shit that’s coming down the pipe.
This kid smoked marijuana and now he’s insane, he doesn’t know what to do.
This is my story about getting ridiculously high.
Wow! You can even do mushrooms. This will be amazing.
…types of mushrooms, and we pick them…
I remember I picked something that was like Hawaiian-something.
I was like, Hawaii, that’s cool, yeah, like surfing.
That’s the kind of trip I want.
So we decided where’s the best place to do it.
So we’re all just eating these mushrooms…
They say, “Don’t eat the whole thing all at once, right?” “Fine.
So I’m eating these mushrooms. And about five minutes pass, I’m like…
Pfft… I don’t feel anything. These mushrooms don’t work at all.
I guess these mushrooms aren’t kicking in.
And so I just eat more of them, and then more.