I believe that the machine opened up a wormhole, a tunnel through the fabric of space-time. Also known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Now because of the laws of general relativity, what I experienced as approximately 18 hours passed instantaneously on Earth. Now isn?t it true that these wormholes you speak of are theoretical predictions. There is no evidence they actually exist, is there? There is no direct evidence, no. Tell me something doctor, why do think theses aliens would go to all this trouble, bring you tens of thousands of light years, and then just send you home without a single shred of proof. They said that?s how it?s been done for billions of years. That?s very deep, doctor. You have no proof, because they didn?t want you to have any. A phenomenon known in psychiatric circles I believe as a self-reinforcing delusion.
Sirius Isness – Secret Vision