The easiest way to get into the meditative state is to begin by listening. If you simply close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all the sounds that are going on around you. Just listen to the general hum and buzz of the world.
Both the voluntary and the involuntary aspects of your experience are all one happening. Now, that may at first seem a little scary because you may think, Well, am I just the puppet of a happening? The mere passive witness of something that’s going on completely beyond my control? Or, on the other hand, Am I really doing everything that’s going along? Well, if I were, I should be God.
…That both things are true. You can see it that everything is happening to you, and on the other hand, you’re doing everything. For example, it’s your eyes that are turning the sun into light. It’s the nerve ends in your skin that are turning electric vibrations in the air into heat and temperature. It’s your eardrums that are turning vibrations in the air into sound. And in that way you are creating the world.”
A kind of universal harmony.