Not that much. 20, 30 minutes or 45 minutes. Really, it’s hard to tell. Time passed by…
The truffles in my opinion tasted gross and they took a while to take effect. It was at least 30 or 40 minutes before I started to feel something. So while I was waiting very nervously I just chatted with my friend and then I started to feel weird. Like it started to hit me. 30 or 40 minutes after I ate them. I could tell something strange was going on. Like my perception started to shift. So I told my friend I went to lie down on the couch and they left me alone. They went to another room. Rainbows and roller coasters. So, I remember lying down and every moment like the intensity started to increase very quickly. When I would close my eyes, this first stage felt kind of like getting high on weed. It was a body high. This warm vibrational energy all throughout my body but it was more visual like closing my eyes, it felt like a colorful roller coaster that was moving a little bit too fast and when I would open my eyes…