
Magnetic Noize – State of Mind

There is no question anymore. Every thought, every reverberation on the level of the mind, depending upon the type of reverberation you create, the whole chemistry is going through a change.

Right now you sit here and think about tigers, you have one kind of chemistry, chemical changes happen. You think about flowers, another kind of chemical change happens. All this has been measured. So for every thought…

If the whole chemistry is going through thing, if your mind is in this state, you know what kind of soup you’re making? You’re a lousy soup. Not just lousy, poisonous. If you’re soaked in this poisonous soup on a daily basis, how to know well-being? It’ll not happen like that.

If you’re soaked in this poisonous soup on a daily basis, how to know well-being? It’ll not happen like that. We don’t have so much control today in the world as to what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe, all of it is somewhat poisoned.

Modern societies have started treating disease, ailment as a natural process, which is a serious mistake.

Ancient societies always saw disease as something wrong, that’s not how a man should be.