
Magnetik Sadhu – I am That

Truly, you’re the unchanging Essence of everything;
You’re the unmoving Unity; you’re boundless Freedom.

Become aware of the indivisible Self!
Be rid of attachment; be happy and free!

You are that pure and unchanging Essence;
You have no body, no birth, and no death.
For you, how could such a thing as delusion be?
How could delusion exist for the Self.

In me, there is no impurity such as attachment;
There is no bodily pain for me.

You do not possess intelligence, nor do you possess ignorance;
Nor do you possess a mixture of these two.
You are, yourself, Intelligence.
An Intelligence that never ceases, never strays.

I have no birth, no death, and no duties;
I’ve never done anything, either good or bad.
I’m purely Brahman, beyond all qualities;
How could either bondage or liberation exist for me?

In me, there is no impurity such as attachment;
There is no bodily pain for me.
Understand that I’m the Self; I’m Unity.
I’m vast as space, like the sky above.
You’re the ultimate Reality. You’re unbounded, like space.