-Hey, what’s on your mind?
-That robot. Did we seem similar to you?
-Of course not.
-No, I don’t mean physically.
-Just what then?
-Well I guess cyborgs like myself have a tendency to be paranoid about our origins.
Sometimes I suspect I’m not who I think I am.
Like, maybe, I died a long time ago and somebody took my brain and stuck it in this body.
Maybe there was never a real me in the first place and I’m completely synthetic.
Completely synthetic.
-You’ve got human brain cells in that titanium shell of yours. You’re treated like other humans so stop with the angst.
-But that’s just it, that’s the only thing that makes me feel human: the way I’m treated. I mean who knows what’s inside our heads. Have you ever seen your own brain?
-It’s sounds to me like you are doubting your own ghost?
-What if a cyber brain could possibly generate it’s own ghost and create a soul all by itself? And if it did, just what would be the importance of being human then?
That’s bullshit. You know you are dying to see what’s inside of that thing, aren’t you? And I can’t stop you. Neither of us has any idea what’s inside there. Just be careful, okay?