
Oleg Byonic – Forgotten

I woke up one morning.
It was winter.
I could see an oak tree standing right next to me.
It was cold.
At first I couldn’t feel anything…
..and then I realised that my face was frozen to the ground.
I couldn’t lift it.
It was stuck.
I was lying on the ground.
Beneath a tree.
Frozen to the ground.
I don’t know how long I had been there, but long enough to freeze me.
Strangely enough, my thoughts were clear. Very clear.
No longer living.
I remembered everything.
Everything from the past.
The past was there in front of me.
As the sun came up, the ice thawed and my face was released.
For a while I didn’t want to get up.
I just lay there listening to my thoughts about the past.

Think of all the love you gave people who never understood that what you did was only for them, and all you ever wanted back was something small.
Hope. Not charity.
You wanted them to make hope beautiful again…

(The more familiar you are with hope,) the less beautiful it becomes.