
Orgonite – Blackhole

Bruce, some people say, if we find the Theory of Everything, the crowning achievement of modern science. Ever since humans first began to ask, what is the world made of. Are we going to have wonders, technological wonders? Am I gonna get better color television? Am I gonna get better cable reception? Am I gonna get a better internet? Well, the short-term answer is, no. It’s not going to affect your life or the life of anyone directly, but look at it this way, this Theory of Everything, is also a theory of space and time and the universe itself. It will answer some of the deepest, philosophical, theological questions of all time. What happened before Genesis 1:1? What happens if time could be bent into a pretzel? What happens if space has holes in it? What happens if you could somehow manipulate space and time itself?
These questions are far beyond the theories of Einstein. Einstein’s theory breaks down at the instant of the Big Bang where it’s useless. Einstein’s theory breaks down at the center of a black hole. What lies on the other side of a black hole?