
Peak Pilots – Mental Waves

Where you are deliberately invoking energy and intelligences that you then absorb into your energy system, into your aura, to make you grow, make you change.

That’s whenever your consciousness goes through a sort of cosmic washing machine every aspect of personality is washed out of it you’re left with a kernel of pure energy and recycled into something else.

You want to keep your mind as single pointedly focused on whatever you’re trying to accomplish as possible so that’s what meditation does it trains your mind you know so it’s not constantly scattered going into you know all different directions and dispersing the energy that you’re trying to build up.

We’ve sort of arrived at this conclusion somehow spirituality has become so watered down that we think enlightenment is the be all and the end all of spiritual practice. It’s the finish line. It’s not, there are actually things that come after that. What we think of as enlightenment is the first step in a process.

You are completely and absolutely in the present moment.

-Most people spend their lives complaining about the things they don’t like.
-So you’re adding power to it. You’re giving it chi. we’re supposed to focus on what it is we want to move towards instead of away from.