-Look, I don’t care what it takes. You two are putting aside your bullshit, and you’re working together to get us back home.
-No can do, Morty. I just can’t.
-I just don’t see how I can.
-You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.
Get us back home.
-Holy shit. Morty? I haven’t seen you in months. You’re leading the tree people? Huh. That’s a step up.
-We have no leaders. We follow only the will of the forest.
-Ooh. Wow. Gaaaaay.
-That is pretty gay.
-You two call yourselves geniuses, but you have spent this time learning nothing.
Come with me into the forest. There is something I wish to teach you.
You have to get us the fuck out of here. These people are backwards savages. They eat every third baby because they think it makes fruit grow bigger. Look, I don’t care what it takes. You two are putting aside your bullshit, and you’re working together to get us back home.