– Good news everyone, I’m still technically alive!
Yes! But I need to you to dispose of this crazy acid experiment that almost killed me.
You’ll have to throw it into the sun itself,
for only the thermonuclear inferno of the sun has enough energy to ensure its total destruction!
– I can hit it with a shovel!
– That’s not good enough.
– This one time I pounded a guy into the ground like a stake with a shovel!
– Yes, yes!
– So what’s in the box already?
– No peeking! I don’t know what’s in there but I’m sure our minds would be unable to comprehend…
– Ow! You hurt my collater!
– I don’t care. Listen well:
No matter what happens, no matter how great your curiosity, you are forbidden to look in this box.
Headroom – Hang Ups & Downs