If you have a golf ball-size consciousness, when you read a book you’ll have a golf ball-size understanding; when you look out, a golf ball-size awareness; and when you wake up in the morning, a golf ball size wakefulness.
But if you could expand that consciousness, then you read the book, more understanding; you look out, more awareness; and when you wake up, more wakefulness. It’s consciousness. And there is an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside each one of us.
And it’s right at the source and base of mind, right at the source of thought, and it’s also at the source of all matter…
That allows any human being to dive within, experiencing subtler levels of mind and intellect and transcend, and experience this ocean of pure consciousness.
This pure consciousness is called by modern physics the Unified Field. It’s at the base of all mind and all matter, and they now say, modern science says, all of matter, everything that is a thing, emerges from this field, and this field has qualities like bliss, intelligence, creativity, universal love, energy, peace.
And it is not the intellectual understanding of this field, but the experiencing of it that does everything.
You dive within and transcending, experiencing this field of pure consciousness, you enliven it, you unfold it. It grows. And the final outcome of this growth of consciousness is called enlightenment. And enlightenment is the full potential of all of us human beings. And a side effect of enlivening this consciousness is negativity starts to recede.
Beautiful consciousness growing, which is flowing creativitythe ability to catch ideas at a deeper level. Intuition grows. This field is a field of pure knowingness. You dive in there and you sort of just know how to go, you know how to solvesolutions. It’s like an ocean of solutions.