To begin the regular practice of meditation, of looking into ourselves, let’s arrange to spend this time on a regular basis in a place where we can comfortably still the body and at a time when we will not be interrupted allowing this to be a time in which we set aside the usual mode in which we operate that of more or less constant doing.
And switch to mode of non-doing a mode of simply being of allowing ourselves to be of becoming aware of our being. And coming to sit in an erect and dignified posture, either on a straight back chair, or on the floor on a cushion. And as we allow the body to become still just bringing our attention to the fact that we’re breathing.
And becoming aware of the movement of the breath as it comes into your body. And as it leaves your body not manipulating the breathing in any way or trying to change it. Simply being aware of it and of the feelings associated with breathing.
And if you feel comfortable with it, observing your breathing deep down in your belly, filling the abdominal wall as it expands gently on the in breath as it falls back towards your spine on the outbreath.