
Sidetrkt – The Tall Whites

People of the world have a right to know what’s going on. Because they’re part of it. It’s not just an isolated thing. there are live ETs on Earth at this present time. And at least two of them probably working with the United States government.

Other species that I learned about not too long ago was called the Tall Whites.

UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.

As the stealth bombers rolled up the assembly line rumors surfaced that the military was test flying recovered alien craft at a secret government place known as area 51.

If the military was going to test fly alien craft Area 51 was the perfect place to do it. Located some hundred and twenty five miles outside of Las Vegas, it is one of the least populated expanses in the United States.

I think that tax-paying citizens are quite capable of accepting the new and broader reality that we live in a cosmos teeming with life of various sorts.

Area 51 is surrounded on three sides by military testing ground and hidden from the public view behind the cruel mountain range. This Russian satellite photo shows the base as it appeared in the nineteen sixties.

Four species had been visiting Earth for thousands of years. They are different species and consequently may have different agendas.

First of all, he was scared out of his skin, but after that, when he got to know them, how he was working with and finally they became to trust each other and had a good working relationship with the Tall Whites.

-Regardless of what you may have read in the tabloids, there has never been any spacecraft recovered by our government. Take my word for it. There’s no Area 51. There’s no recovered spaceship.
-Uh, excuse me, Mr. President. That’s not entirely accurate.

The fact that some other civilizations are more advanced than we are may be humbling. But it exists, and is being kept secret by the same vested interests that control our destiny.