I’ve taken two strong doses of uh ayahuasca cuz the first hadn’t really kicked in and then I took another one. Have you done that? Oh, yeah. Yeah, so hey, it’s not working, then you double up and then you’re going wow, it’s all hitting at the same time.
In a buddhist tradition they talk about everyone has buddha nature and it’s just a matter of not realizing your own already enlightened state. And so, I thought what a perfect circunstance to get in touch with your already enlightened state.
I sat up and started my kind of meditative position. Did that for a couple of minutes and I was feeling like my mind just expand and extend out through the whole web of life. And this was the jungle you know, so it was very fertile and chirping and lots of animals and all the floor and and extending out through the cities. You know the mind is able to extend and expand out through all these beings.
You know the plants are talking to us. We need to listen.
I think ayahuasca can show us how beautiful we are and what kinds of possibilities we have for love.