
SQUID – We are all Connected

My name is Nixiwaka, I come from the rainforest in Amazon. And when I came here I didn’t know any English. I didn’t know nothing.

I would like to talk a little bit of nature. And how nature is so important for everyone in this world.

We have all meats and plants that we use it to communicate with the spirits of the forest. We believe that in the forest there are lots of spirits. When a Shaman, for example, goes to take a plant in a forest, he asks the plant I will take you, I will use you to heal someone because If he doesn’t say anything, the plant has no effect.

We have a special drink called ayahuasca, it is a very strong drink. You can see what is life, in that how you see yourself, see your spirit and what are you doing here, in this world. And you can see through this in this ritual if you believe in this.