Every star in our sky is a sun and if our sun has planets, surely those other stars should have planets also, and they do. And in the last two decades astronomers have found thousands of exoplanets. Now when I think of the possibilities for life out there, I think of the fact that our sun is but one of many stars.
…But our Milky Way is one of hundreds of billions of stars. And our galaxy is one of upwards of hundreds of billions of galaxies. And there are just so many stars and so many planets out there, that surely there must be life.
And in the search for planets, and in the future planets that might be like Earth, we’re able to help address some of the most amazing and mysterious questions that have faced human kind for centuries. Why are we here? Why does our universe exist? Are we alone?
This planet is in a zone that is not too far from the star so that the temperature may be, um, just right for life.