Sunshine breaks through swirling clouds over a vast landscape. A human fetus is
crawled up in its mother’s womb. A rainforest. The hurricane. The fetus. Crowds flee. A crescent moon tumbles through a golden sky. A smoking golden burning orb.
Oil wells burn.
Thick engulfing clouds of smoke.
The sun rises… its surface speckled with dots of light.
Oil wells burn. Flies crawl over a dying child. A decontamination tent. Car fumes. Famine. A
river of mud. A landslide. War. Pollution. Gazelles. A knife cuts through raw meat.
Lightning. A baboon bears its fangs. Headless plucked chickens on a conveyer belt.
Crowds by a train. Molten lava. A sea of car tires. A polar bear scavenges in a burning dump. Meat on a conveyer belt. The stock exchange. Fires blaze through a forest. A combine harvester sweeps through a grain field. Roads packed with cars. A tree is felled. The land burns. An iceberg crumbles. The 11th Hour’. The sun rises, illuminating the curve of the earth, its surface speckled with dots of light.