Why do people go out there and try to protest or try to do something? That isn’t mindless violence, the mindlessness is sitting there doing dope and watching MTV and then you go and get a job and just schlep along. To me, that’s violence.
Imagine a world where corporations choose leaders, put them in power, then have them rewrite laws to increase profits. Imagine a world where corporations start wars to create and increase demand for their products. Imagine a world where the news media, owned by these corporations, that only tells the public what they want them to know. Imagine a president who sells out his people and their environment to boost the wealth of a few. Unbelievable? It should be.
Why did we do that, when no weapons of mass destruction were found, and not a single Al Quaed guy
We went to find nuclear weapons, we murder to free the people of Iraq, yes, thats the reason we bombed the place and send one hundred and fifty thousand troops to invade…