Hello, I’m Dr Bot. Perhaps you would like to find LSD.
I’m going to up your dosage of LSD to as much as you like.
I’m Dr Bot.
I hate the whole fucking vibe on this ship, and it’s pissing me off!
This is new to me.
Being open to change is the first step on the road to mental health.
-Welcome Lieutenant Glenn Terry.
-Actually, it’s “captain” now.
-Updating file.
-Welcome, Captain Glenn Terry. Shall we take a voyage of discovery together?
-Why not?
-Welcome, Misty.
-I need to tell you I have just been feeling… so much better since we started treatment. I mean, like, even just my dreams have just been better. You know, like, I haven’t been having all those feelings… and I’m just really feeling in the now.
-Feelings can sometimes pull one out of the now and put them in the then.
-Yeah, I…
Live in the now, not in the then.
-I don’t wanna be in the then. I wanna be in the now.
-Talking about the now can put one in the then.
-I don’t want to be in the then, I want to be in the now. I wanna move forward…
-Don’t move too far forward, you’ll be out of the now.
-I don’t wanna move too far forward.
-Stay in the now.
-I want to stay in the now. I am in the now. Right now.
-Perhaps you’d like to try…
What are you thinking in the midst of this silence?
-What makes Misty happy?
-What makes me happy?
-What makes Misty okay?
-Dr. Bot. Dr. Bot makes me okay.
-Dr. Bot must remind Misty not to become… too close to her therapist bot.
-I’ve gotta be close to somebody.
-We must keep this professional.
-Don’t be so cold.
-I must maintain objectivity.
-But I feel like… I just feel like you and I have really been going through it here, you know? I feel like I have really been connecting with you. You know me.
-Emotion overload.
-I tell you… I just… Stop it! Anyway, as I was saying… I really care about you… and I know you care about me.
Yeah. That’ll be good.