OK, the satellite link is online, so let’s play God.
You put a chip in a person’s brain… Not telling the person, wow, that’s actually freaky…
Trust me…
OK, here we go…
– Man, you have got a problem.
– Oh right, like you’re one to talk.
Maybe I smoked just a teeny bit too much hashish
– Dammit, how much time do we have?!
– For me, usually about twenty minutes.
– Usually?!
– Less if I take two.
I just watched you eat a whole bag of LSD gummy bears.
Then I am tripping bear balls.
Lysergic acid is absorbed right through the skin. Even the tip of your finger uh-oh.
The acid is absorbed, right? So let’s play God.
She says she can’t go because she’s, quote, “‘tripping balls’