
Hashashin – Fuck Your Rules

-I may be down, but I’m not out. Tom brady’s never out.
-You broke the rules!
-Fuck you, I broke the rules. You’re breaking the rules.
-Fuck you. You broke the rules.
-You broke the rules how you found out I broke the rules.
-Yeah, you broke the rules!
-I’m the commissioner. I can break the rules ‘cause you guys broke the rules before but I didn’t bust you enough.
-Just ‘cause you didn’t bust us enough for breaking the rules, that doesn’t mean you can break the rules busting us now.
-Fuck both you guys. I can do whatever I want. I’m breaking the rules.
-Fuck you, I’m tom brady!
-Fuck you, I’m the commissioner. I’ll make up new rules.
-Fuck your rules!
Fuck you guys, always fucking rules.
I’ll fuck all the rules! Rules, rules…