
Hydrosplifix – Sceletium Sunrise

-By accessing the power of num energy, it is believed that a shaman can extract illness, see the insides of the sick and travel out of their own body to the land of the Gods.
-This num, it goes up the body and then often it goes out of the crown of the head and that’s usually when the out-of-body experience occurs and they travel to the spirit world. I’ve seen a Bushman put a coal in his mouth and he wasn’t burned. They’ll put their heads in the fire, and although their hair might singe and even catch fire, their face won’t be burned, so something is happening with this num energy. They call it boiling energy. It’s almost like there’s a vibrational change in their whole body and probably in their DNA in some way.
-Could this so-called num energy really be inherent in shamans accessed only while in a sort of dream state? And is it possible that the genetic makeup of these medicine men is what allows them to access other dimensions?

…Special medicine used in the cerimonies… Have no words, but they have names…

The medicine dance … is a common occurrence. The people begin in an easy move, more joined later as the fervor the dancing increases. They dance usually night and often all night long. People take pleasure in the music and the dancing and admired excellent performance. Also they are engaged in a serious ceremony to heal the sick and ward off evil they are not solemn or in all. The people act together for their well being.